Datenschutz Impressum


Vinum et musica laetificant cor

(Wine and music gladden the heart - Ancient winery epigraph)

Music and art have always brought people joy and fulfilment, temporarily transporting them to a world of fantasy, fascination and emotion. In our hectic, fast-paced age, these sensual “oases” offer an opportunity to enjoy some peaceful leisure time.

Chamber music Festival in Biet, foundet by violinist Nina Karmon_1 Chamber music Festival in Biet, foundet by violinist Nina Karmon_2 Chamber music Festival in Biet, foundet by violinist Nina Karmon_3

Dear music lovers!

From September 13th - 15th 2024, the International Chamber Music Festival in Biet celebrated its premiere!

Wonderful concerts with great artists created a truly special atmosphere in the Sebastianskapelle.

I would like to thank our cooperation partner, the Förderverein für die Sebastianskirche Neuhausen e.V., as well as all participants, helpers, sponsors, donors, members of the Förderverein and our audience once again.

The next Festival will take place from September 12th - 14th 2025!

Warm regards, Nina Karmon